Williams Drive Study, Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization
Cultural Strategies partnered with Civic Collaboration to lead key elements of the public involvement tasks for the development and implementation of the Williams Drive Study, a joint project of the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) and the City of Georgetown. The study aimed at addressing historic and emerging mobility and economic development issues, with an aim to improve mobility and performance of the corridor. The Cultural Strategies team designed a public information plan, and supported city staff with news media relations. Also provided copywriting and design of event notices, meeting handouts, and social media content. The initiative included public input and review at three public meetings, a series of theme-specific stakeholder discussions, online comment tools and a public charrette coordinated by Nelson\Nygaar, the prime contractor for the study. The insights gathered through the public involvement process provided substantive feedback for the development of a set of recommendations adopted by the Georgetown City Council.