Safe Walk Safe Bike Initiative, Public Works Department, City of Austin
Developed Go Smart Austin, a safe walk safe bike initiative for the City of Austin to teach middle school aged children the rules of the road and the importance of safe, active transportation through fun, incentive-based learning. Developed the brand, bilingual messaging, and bilingual collateral materials. Implementation was centered on visiting schools and community recreation centers and presenting safety information directly to children with the goal of changing behaviors over time. Prizes were produced to reward learning and participation, including branded bike helmets, bike lights, water bottles, t-shirts, caps, pedometers, sunglasses, stickers, and buttons. By the end of the spring 2016 school semester, the program presented to over 220 Austin ISD middle school students, as well as 124 middle school-aged children participating on Austin Parks & Recreation’s community recreation centers across town, and over 14,000 collateral pieces distributed to both children and their parents.