Corridor Mobility Plans for East Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Manchaca Road, and Latta Drive/Brush Country Road Substandard Street Project, Corridor Program Office, City of Austin
As the lead subcontractor for all public involvement and community outreach on these projects, our goal was to educate residents on existing conditions along the corridors and provide opportunities to share input on how to improve the area for pedestrians, bicycles, public transportation, and vehicles. A principal messaging objective was to help residents understand how these projects will affect their lives, why participation is important to the process, and encourage their involvement. Our team designed and implemented public engagement plans that identified stakeholders, informed the community on the initiative through collateral materials, phone calls, print mail and electronic communications. We coordinated open house meetings and small group discussions with neighborhood and business leaders who qualified as high-traffic destinations. Efforts where implemented in both English and Spanish. Comments and discussions by participants were documented and organized for reporting. The input provided by participants during the engagement process helped the project teams identify transportation and mobility improvements that would aim to address the existing conditions, as well as increase connectivity and capacity for all roadway users..