City of Houston’s Smoking Ban 3rd Year Anniversary Celebration
In 2006, Houston’s legislature passed an ordinance banning smoking from public spaces and workplaces. Despite the effects of this ordinance, by 2010 no formal anniversary celebration had been held to commemorate this important achievement. Drawing on existing relationships with various public health coalitions, Cultural Strategies promoted and supported a formal celebration to commemorate the 3rd anniversary of the ordinance. On Sept. 1, 2010, a group of minority health coalitions and other stakeholders celebrated the anniversary of the “Smoke-Free for 3” campaign - a coordinated effort to celebrate the city’s commitment and encourage Houstonians to seek their doctor’s advice on how to quit smoking. Cultural Strategies developed the campaign’s identity and collateral material, coordinated stakeholder participation, managed all media-related communications, as well as managed all event logistics. In addition, Cultural Strategies played an instrumental role in making the City of Houston’s “Smoke-free for 3” Proclamation a reality.